Creating a Symfony project from zero to success in 52 weeks (week 1)

Dariel Vicedo
1 min readJul 9, 2022

This is a project that I will build in real time to get rich in 52 weeks or less. Follow my adventure.

All pictures taken by me.

Configure the development environment. I will use Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL over Windows 10, PHP 8.1, MariaDB 10.5, Node 16 with NPM 8.13.0 and Composer. No containerization will be used.

Install Symfony CLI for Debian/Ubuntu (APT based). Download Symfony Framework and Components.

Create a new project.

symfony new <project_name>

You can launch the project with:

symfony serve -d

Git ignore local tools and IDE configuration folder.

Require templating (Twig).

symfony composer require templates

Require debug tools.

symfony composer require debug

Require Webpack/Encore.

symfony composer require encore

Install packages.

npm install

You can compile your assets with:

npm run dev

or watch:

npm run watch

or build for production:

npm run build

Go to week 2.



Dariel Vicedo

Software Engineer. Coding PHP since 2005. Symfony advocate. Voracious reader. Animal protection.